APRIL 03, 2022

Steps for digital transformation in the public sector in Guatemala


Panel of experts from UVG, UNOPS and the British Embassy of Mexico discussed the challenges of digital government and the need for digital transformation in the public sector.

Guatemala, March 2, 2022. Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG), together with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), organized the virtual forum: Digital Transformation in the Public Sector, with the participation of experts from the Information Sciences Directorate of Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG), the Technological Modernization Component of the INFRAIGSS Program of UNOPS Guatemala, and the Anti-Corruption Policy, Competition, Digitalization and Rule of Law Department of the British Embassy in Mexico.

The objective of the activity was to have a dialog on the importance, needs and challenges of digital transformation in countries like Guatemala, where the digital divide is quite significant and the gap in the implementation of IT infrastructures and innovations in the public sector is remarkable. This reduces the capacity for development and modernization of public institutions and the provision of quality public services. Specific examples of policies and possible solutions for technological modernization and digitization in the public sector for the benefit of the population were also addressed.

“Information and data allow us, in countries like ours, to distribute services, the best services, in a better way to the population. In the long run, we are looking for movements that are facilitated by technology, but that are open to different actors, platforms where various actors can contribute. Reorganize the work of the government around our way of thinking, components, databases, etc. in such a way that the public, private and other sectors are better and more efficient for the population,” explained Douglas Barrios, Director of Computer Science Engineering at the UVG, and who spoke about Government as a Platform.

The UNOPS presentation showed the work being carried out within the IT Modernization component of the INFRAIGSS Program, an infrastructure program being implemented for the Guatemalan Social Security Institute (IGSS).

In addition to identifying, together with the Institute's IT Sub-administration, the Institute's main needs in the area of technology, the main challenges that exist, were also shared, as well as the innovative projects that will be implemented soon and that are specifically linked to e-Health issues, to improve services for rights-holders and affiliates.

Rodrigo Félix Montalgo, Director of the Anti-Corruption, Competition, Digitization, and the Rule of Law Policy at the British Embassy in Mexico, addressed Government Digitization: the UK Experience. “Current forecasts predict that digitization could add USD 15.7 billion to the global economy by 2030, equivalent to a 14% increase in global GDP. Since 2011, the UK has implemented a digitization strategy as a policy, which seeks to create an inclusive and publicly competitive digital ecosystem,” said the expert, who added that the challenges include that no ideal solutions have been found. they are still under construction and involve the participation of all actors.

The forum was attended by more than 150 participants, including representatives from the academic sector, international cooperation, and the public and private sectors.

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