MARCH 12, 2021

UNOPS, IGSS and entrepreneurs discuss streamlining processes


To ensure improvements in bidding processes, transparency, quality of products and services in the Social Security Institute (IGSS), the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) installed an Extended Technical Table (MTA) together with the business sector and international cooperation institutions.

The MTA began in December 2020 and will continue to address issues such as medicine delivery, clinical input planning, and hospital equipment at the national level. Up to March, 485 people have participated and more than 100 inquiries from suppliers have been attended to.

UNOPS Director Andrea Calvaruso, mentioned that the technical table has made it possible to make a change in the public procurement processes keeping an open dialog with stakeholders.

The MTA includes the presidents, directors, and managers of four trade guilds of the Guatemalan Chamber of Commerce (GCC), the Chamber of Industry (CIG), the Chamber of Health Supplies (Caproinsa) and the Central American Federation of Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Fedefarma).

In addition, delegates from the International Labor Organization (ILO), the United Nations, the Center for Health Studies (C.E.S) of Universidad del Valle de Guatemala and the U.S. Embassy in Guatemala are also present as observers.

Open processes

According to the Executive Director of the Pharmaceutical Guild of the Chamber of Industry, Ruben Morales, the MTA will allow access to better therapeutic options in medicines produced in the country, under free market competition and following the quality and strict rules accepted internationally for the sale of pharmaceuticals.

Similarly, Fedefarma's manager, Abelardo Quezada, mentioned that there is an urgent need to improve the system so that patients can have access to innovative, effective, and safe medications.


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