APRIL 04, 2022

UNOPS trains IGSS infrastructure personnel on BIM


More than 30 people from the infrastructure department of the Guatemalan Social Security Institute (IGSS) have built their capacities with the first module of the BIM methodology course.

Guatemala, April 4, 2022. With more than 20 hours of practice, more than 30 people from the Infrastructure Department and the Planning and Development Branch of the Guatemalan Social Security Institute (IGSS) successfully completed the first module of the course Introduction to BIM Methodology (Building Information Modeling), delivered by the United Nations Office for Projects (UNOPS) within the framework of the INFRAIGSS Program.

INFRAIGSS is the Program resulting from the signature of the agreement between the IGSS and UNOPS, for the implementation of the Second Phase of the Plan for the Modernization and Expansion of the Hospital Infrastructure and Services of the IGSS, which includes the design of the construction of the Hospital Regional de Oriente in Zacapa (With 203 beds) and the High Complexity Hospital in Zone 11 (with 300 beds); its equipment; the acquisition of ambulances; and updating the technological infrastructure of the Institute, in order to expand and improve the coverage and care of its rights-holders and members.

The infrastructure component of INFRAIGSS includes the transfer and capacity building for IGSS personnel, updating them and so that they have the necessary professional tools to apply, implement and monitor health infrastructure works.

The BIM course, the first of several courses planned, has the specific objective of introducing the personnel enrolled in the BIM methodology by means of its most common tools. The first module focused on Modeling with Revit 01 - Basic Level.

BIM is a collaborative working methodology for creating and managing a construction project. Its goal is to centralize all project information in a digital information model created by all its agents. Its use covers the execution of the project and extends throughout the life cycle of the construction, allowing managing the project and reducing the operating costs.

In the coming months, it will start with the second module of this course, as well as a course on facilities in health centers (taught by the University of Barcelona) and a specialized program in project management (given by Aden International Business School).

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